Вот код этой страницы загрузки:
echo"<title>Управление фотографиями : $sitename</title>";
echo "<div class=tbl1>";
<h3><center><strong>Управление фотографиями</strong></center></h3>
if ($file1 == 'none') {$file1 = '';}
if ($file2 == 'none') {$file2 = '';}
$err22 = "Фотография должна иметь расширение *.jpg либо *.gif<br>";
$err23 = "Фотография должна иметь размер не более $MAX_FILE_SIZE байт.<br>";
$err4 = "Не указан путь к фотографии.<br>";
$error = "";
$n = getenv('REQUEST_URI');
$n = ereg_replace("\?.*$","",$n);
$result = @mysql_query("SELECT email,pass,category FROM $autortable WHERE (email = '$slogin' and pass = '$spass')");
if ((!isset($slogin) or !isset($spass)) or @mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
echo "<center><br><br><h3>Вы не авторизированы!</h3><b><a href=autor.php>Авторизация</a></b>";
while($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($QUERY_STRING != "add")
{ //2
$result = @mysql_query("SELECT ID,foto1,foto2 FROM $autortable WHERE ID = '$id'");
while ($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<center><font color=red>$error</font></center>";
} //2
if ($QUERY_STRING == "add") {
if ($file1 != "") {
$file1 = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name'];
$filesize1 = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['size'];
$temp1 = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['tmp_name'];
if ($file1 != "" and !eregi("\.jpg$",$fileres1) and !eregi("\.gif$",$fileres1)){$error .= "$err22";}
if ($filesize1 > $MAX_FILE_SIZE){$error .= "$err23";}
if ($file2 != "") {
$file2 = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file2']['name'];
$filesize2 = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file2']['size'];
$temp2 = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file2']['tmp_name'];
if ($file2 != "" and !eregi("\.jpg$",$fileres2) and !eregi("\.gif$",$fileres2)){$error .= "$err22";}
if ($filesize2 > $MAX_FILE_SIZE){$error .= "$err23";}
if (isset($upload) and $file1 == "" and $file2 == "") {$error .= "$err4";}
echo "<center><font color=red>$error</font></center>";
if ($QUERY_STRING == "add" and $error == "") {
if (isset($upload)) {
$path1 = $upath."$updir";
if ($file1 != "") {$source_name1 = "a".$fid."_1.$fileres1";}
if ($file2 != "") {$source_name2 = "a".$fid."_2.$fileres2";}
if($error == ""){
$dest1 = $path1.$source_name1;
$dest2 = $path1.$source_name2;
if ($file1 != "") {@copy("$temp1","$dest1");$foto1=$updir."$source_name1";
if (function_exists('ImageTypes')) {
if ((ImageTypes() & IMG_JPG and $fileres1=='jpg') or (ImageTypes() & IMG_GIF and $fileres1=='gif'))
{ //small img
if ($fileres1=='jpg') {$image = ImageCreateFromJPEG($foto1);}
if ($fileres1=='gif') {$image = ImageCreateFromGIF($foto1);}
$width = imagesx($image) ;
$height = imagesy($image) ;
$new_height = $smallfotoheight;
$new_width = ($new_height * $width) / $height ;
$thumb = imagecreate($new_width,$new_height);
$thumb = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width,$new_height);
if ($fileres1=='jpg') {ImageJPEG($thumb, $updir.'s'.$source_name1);}
if ($fileres1=='gif') {ImageGIF($thumb, $updir.'s'.$source_name1);}
}} //small img
$sql="update $autortable SET foto1='$source_name1' WHERE ID='$id'";
if ($file2 != "") {@copy("$temp2","$dest2");$foto2=$updir."$source_name2";
if (function_exists('ImageTypes')) {
if ((ImageTypes() & IMG_JPG and $fileres2=='jpg') or (ImageTypes() & IMG_GIF and $fileres2=='gif'))
{ //small img
if ($fileres2=='jpg') {$image = ImageCreateFromJPEG($foto2);}
if ($fileres2=='gif') {$image = ImageCreateFromGIF($foto2);}
$width = imagesx($image) ;
$height = imagesy($image) ;
if ($height > $smalllogoheight) {$new_height = $smalllogoheight;}
elseif ($height <= $smalllogoheight) {$new_height = $height;}
$new_width = ($new_height * $width) / $height ;
$thumb = imagecreate($new_width,$new_height);
$thumb = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width,$new_height);
if ($fileres2=='jpg') {ImageJPEG($thumb, $updir.'s'.$source_name2);}
if ($fileres2=='gif') {ImageGIF($thumb, $updir.'s'.$source_name2);}
}} //small img
$sql="update $autortable SET foto2='$source_name2' WHERE ID='$id'";
if (isset($delete1) or isset($delete2)) {
if (isset($delete1)) {@unlink($upath.$photodir.$foto1);
$sql="update $autortable SET foto1='' WHERE ID='$id'";
if (isset($delete2)) {@unlink($upath.$photodir.$foto2);
$sql="update $autortable SET foto2='' WHERE ID='$id'";
if ($QUERY_STRING != "add" or $error != "") {
$foto1upl="Фото : <input type=file name=file1 size=30><br>";
$foto2upl="Логотип: <input type=file name=file2 size=30><br>";
if ($foto1 != "")
{$foto1line="<td align=center><a href=$photodir$foto1 target=_blank><img src=$photodir$foto1 border=0 height=150></a><br><input type=submit name=delete1 value=Удалить class=i3></td>";
if ($foto2 != "")
{$foto2line="<td align=center><a href=$photodir$foto2 target=_blank><img src=$photodir$foto2 border=0 height=150></a><br><input type=submit name=delete2 value=Удалить class=i3></td>";
echo ("
<form name=form method=post ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" action=regfoto.php?add>
<input type=hidden name=id value=$id>
<input type=hidden name=foto1 value=$foto1>
<input type=hidden name=foto2 value=$foto2>
<table width=90%>
<tr><td align=center colspan=6> </td></tr>
<tr><td align=center colspan=6>
if ($who == 'soisk') {echo "$foto1upl";}
if ($who == 'agency' or $who == 'rab') {echo "$foto2upl";}
echo ("
echo "<center><p><input type=submit value=\"Загрузить\" name=\"upload\" class=i3></form>";
echo "<p align=center><a href=autor.php>Вернуться в личный раздел</a></p>";
else {
echo "<br><br><h3 align=center>Изменения сохранены!</h3><center><br><br><a href=regfoto.php>К редактированию фотографий</a><p align=center><a href=autor.php>Вернуться в личный раздел</a></p><br><br>";
echo ("
<center><form method=post action=\"logout.php\">
<input type=submit name=logout value=Выход class=i3><br><br>
} //1
echo "</div>";